Jake and Jill went to a haunted house and there were bats and cracked windows and it is dark and they can hear whimpering. “I think there is a. ghost,” said Jake.
“I can not hear anything,'' said Jill. Jack thinks it is after him.
The house has broken doors and it has people that died in the big giant house and it has a basement that is dark and it has water tanks. It has trees going over the house and when it is sthe trees scratch the house and when it rains it goes through the holes and when it gets to nite time the ghost comes out.
It is dark now and they are putting up tents to sleep in. “Hold on I am going for a toilet,” said Jill.
“Ok,” said Jake.
Jill heard a whispering, she said “I can hear you,” and the ghost replied. Then Jake went into the house to see if Jill was alright. “Jill where are you? Are you alright?” asked Jake.
“No,” replied Jill.
“I was going to the toilet but then someone called me down to the bassmint and it was a ghost. It had a white dress with no shoes and she was pretty.”
But when Jake found Jill she had cuts and she had a broken ankle and then Jake ran down stairs to the bassmint and he found Jill and Jill was crying. When Jake went down stairs the door up to to go down the bassmint closed and it made a big BANG! Then Jake ran up stairs and he found a crowbar and then he stuck it into the door and pulled it hard
And he was yelling for help but he realized that he was in the middle of nowhere and then he got the door open and then ran down stairs to get Jill he got Jill and took her to the car and grabbed the keys and went back to the car and jumped in the car and took off. Broom, broom and then when he was going to the hospital and he saw a little girl crossing the road and then as she was crossing the road. She was slightly looking at them and then they realized that the girl came from the house. They tried to run the ghost over but it went through the car and then they got to the hospital and then he dropped Jill off at the hospital and then he went back to the house and something unexpected happened. When Jack went back to the house he went inside and saw that the ghost was so angry that when he got all of the doors were locked and then the house was smashed up and the walls were smashed. Then he went to pack up his tents. He got to his car and the gas was siphoned.
He didn't know what to do, so then he got his phone and called the police but the police said I will be there in 20 minutes. As a car drove past slowly it saw a light flashing at the car stop stop stop and then he jumped in the car with his clothes and tents and then he went back to the hospital and then he saw Jill. Jill was happy and Jake asked “Should we go and cool it off with a cup of tea?”
“Yes,” said Jill, “And after that we will have dinner. {The end By Shayden} .